What a treat to photograph at the RHS Chelsea flower show again this year. The gardens are always inspiring but often it’s the architectural forms and structures that make the main feature / base for the garden that’s the most exciting element for me.
So many to highlight … Sam Ovens relaxing cedar wood design for Cloudy Bay was beautiful.. reminded me a little of the bellows of an old camera. Another favourite was Japanese designer Kazuyuki Ishihara for Henri-Sentei project in the Artisan gardens with moss walls, water windows housing a mini.
Strikingly bold and beautiful and another Chelsea gold medal winner was the block of granite which housed a garden only visible through small peepholes in the cube. Designed by Martin Cook and Gary Breeze for the Marble and Granite Centre suitably placed in the Fresh gardens… good to see something new and completely different.

“RHS Cloudy Bay Garden”
Designer: Sam Ovens

“RHS Cloudy Bay Garden”
Designer: Sam Ovens

“RHS Winton beauty of mathematics garden”
Designer: Nick Bailey

“RHS Winton beauty of mathematics garden”
Designer: Nick Bailey

“RHS Senrei-Senti garage garden”
Designer: Kazuyuki Ishihara

“RHS Senrei-Senti garage garden”
Designer: Kazuyuki Ishihara

“RHS Senrei-Senti garage garden”
Designer: Kazuyuki Ishihara

“RHS Watahan East & West Garden”
Designers: Chihori Shibiyama’s and Yano Tea

“RHS Watahan East & West Garden”
Designers: Chihori Shibiyama’s and Yano Tea

“RHS Watahan East & West Garden”
Designers: Chihori Shibiyama’s and Yano Tea

“RHS Morgan Stanley Garden for Great Ormand St Hospital”
Designer: Chris Beardshaw

“RHS Chelsea Barracks Garden”
Designer: Jo Thomson

“RHS Chelsea Barracks Garden”
Designer: Jo Thomson

“RHS Telegraph garden”
Designer: Andy Sturgeon

“RHS Telegraph garden”
Designer: Andy Sturgeon

“RHS Antithesis of Sarcophagi, marble and granite centre”
Designers: Martin Cook and Gary Breeze

“RHS Antithesis of Sarcophagi, marble and granite centre”
Designers: Martin Cook and Gary Breeze

“RHS Brewin Dolphin Garden “
Designer: Rosy Hardy